Fawley Waterside, Southampton
for Aldred Drummond,
2013 -
The site of the redundant Fawley power station has now received consent to become a new waterfront town set between two restored natural landscapes. The coastal marshes and Solent will stretch out to the south and east; while the more intimate Forest pattern of the Cadland estate will be replanted and revived to the west.
Kim has worked with Ben Pentreath and Jonathan Cox on the masterplan for the new settlement which will be integrated from the start with thousands of acres of natural and farmed landscape in its hinterland. The deep wooded valleys that define the estate and connect the Forest to the sea will be replanted, grazed and managed as continuous natural wildlife and landscape corridors. The agricultural land will be brought back into traditional mixed rotational farming that revives the soil and tends the livestock. Good food will be grown on the estate and, in combination with the market gardens on the roofs of the boat stack and supermarket, sold directly in the new settlement. The urban and rural communities will be completely connected and mutually supportive.